Have you ever had a moment when it felt as though time were standing still... that the entire world was stopped, holding its breath, no sound, no movement, just a frozen moment in time - no wait, that's "earthquake weather".
Okay, let's be more specific. Time isn't standing still, YOU are. The world is still going on around you, the sights, the sounds, the weather, even. But you are suddenly in a rainbow flecked soap bubble, separated from the world, paused in time. Your concerns and troubles and worries fall like dead leaves all around you, outside the bubble, for the moment, forgotten.
It feels as if you can stay forever in that same spot, that same attitude and stance, holding your breath and the world won't even notice that you have disappeared into stillness.
These moments strike me most often as I sit outside, just watching the trees or the stars or the birds. They are precious times when I can simply relax and simply BE, content with the world. Coffee or wine in hand, dog at my feet, I am completely free of the usual mad whirlwind of the world, with its attendant appointments and disappointments, worries and to-do lists... and can take a deep breath and simply smile.
When I talk about the stars singing, this is what I mean. The earth is singing to me and I have simply chosen to take the time to stop and to notice. This is when I feel the most... I guess "blessed" is the word, but it really has nothing to do with faith. It really isn't about being thankful, either, but more about being perfectly content and alive for just that few minutes.
This is a solitary quest, extremely personal and not always attainable. I don't go out to the spa with my glass of wine and automatically hear the stars every night. Sometimes the world's crashing pressures are too much to allow their song to permeate and dispel the noise.
But sometimes, sometimes... the clouds part and you are treated to a glimpse of your true self, an inner happiness and glow, an aura of peace and contentment, the feeling that you actually are a part of the universe, and your song is memorable.
I imagine that some of you will be rolling your eyes at this post and wondering if I am going all "new age" on you. On the contrary, in this world of too much to do, too many worries to carry, quick anger and feelings of hopelessness, finding a moment of peace in the course of the day seems the only really sane thing to do.
I find it most often outside. Some might while they watch their children or spouse sleep, or in petting a beloved animal, or listening to music, or in dance, or running... Every person has their own special place or way to attain that feeling of joy in being.
So there, Gentle Readers, I have an assignment for you! Try to find that spot, that moment, that Happy Place when you can feel the stars and earth singing and raise your face to bathe in its song, feel it like breath on your skin. Be still. Enjoy the morning, the afternoon, the evening, the night. Open yourself up to a little of that peace, that joy every day.
Slow down, let go of your life for a little while and just BE.
Just Musing,
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