Friday, March 5, 2010

BEING GOOD: What Kind of Vampire Do You Want to Be?

(just having a little bit of fun...)

So you want to be a GOOD Vampire...

One of the very first thoughts – right after the initial shock and elation of The Turn – that enters most new Vampire’s minds is what kind of Being they are going to be. History is fraught with tales of the most vile and evil dating back all the way back to Adam (try googling Lilith, Adam's legendary first wife who became the first Demon Being).

Thanks to pop culture’s current love affair with our kind as evidenced by numerous popular books and TV and movies, a few new concepts have been introduced into our lexicon, breathing new - you will pardon the expression - life into what heretofore had been a solitary journey.

Leave it to the humans to come up with the very concept of ethical vampires; good guys who fight their baser natures to become purveyors of justice, or at the very least, fight the overwhelming urge to prey on humanity with impunity.

This book was written to guide you on your journey to becoming an ethical vampire, in that concept’s many forms, so that you can take charge of your own existence without falling prey to the eternal boredom that so afflicts our kind.

At least for a while.


Choosing to become an ethical Being is your first step. Whether you are a new Vampire who is struggling to maintain a similar moral code as you had in your mortal life against The Thirst, or you are an experienced Being who is weary of the tedium that almost inevitably surfaces after centuries of life and are simply looking for something new to do, this chapter will help define what type of Being you wish to become:

Vegan-Only Hunts animals, never partakes of human blood under any circumstances.

Vegetarian-Feeds on animals, supplemented with packaged human blood and/or "Juice Boxes" or other human volunteers

Judge-Researches, Hunts and Feeds only on human evil-doers.

Executioner-Similar to the Judge, but works with human law enforcement either within the penitentiary system or individual contracts to eliminate evil doers who cannot be brought to human justice

Protector-Exacts a "tithe" from the community that the Being protects. usually in outlying or third world areas. Generally out of favor with the advent of better roads, communication and technology.

Ambulance Chaser-Feeds on the dying in hospital, usually in conjunction with a Kevorkian doctor, hospital morgue attendants or morticians.

Street Cleaner-Feeds on homeless, usually the mentally disturbed, drunks or drug abusers


The Turn –The individual experience of the change from human to Vampire
The Thirst – the urge to Feed
The Hunt- the urge to physically chase down or outsmart prey
Interval – time between The Thirst, typically one moon cycle, or roughly one month
The Rush – the initial euphoria that follows Feeding
Munchies – Eating for pleasure when not overcome with The Thirst
Juice Box – A human who voluntarily elects to be partially drained for a fee when a Vampire has the Munchies. Cannot be used during The Thirst as the desire to feed completely will usually take over a Vampire by all but the most strong willed of Beings. Sometimes referred to as Cup O’ Soup.
Grocer - A Being who runs a cooperative which coordinates, certifies, preps and cares for humans who elect to become Juice Boxes for a fee.

...yeah, there's more, but not tonight!

Just Musing,


1 comment:

  1. Hehehe, this is funny. Write more of it, please. Then get it published before the Vampire craze dies out ;o) I would be either the Vegan or the judge.

    Killing would be hard. I think people look at Vampires and think "Hell yeah, I could do that!". But could they really? Could they really kill people, over and over. Not just kill, but suck them dry? It's harsh. I would also never want to hurt someone who did not deserve it, and as most legends say, the thirst takes over and cannot (except on the rarest of occasions) be controlled.

    On the flip side, some people just need to be taken out, and being able to get the sweetness of human blood in the process of exterminating pests would be a plus. Like how Edward (Twilight) used to only hunt humans who were murderers and rapists. These are people that would be hurting other good humans, and if the justice system doesn't have the stomach to take them out (quickly) or those in charge of sentencing are paid off (corruption) then somone needs to clean up the mess. IF I were able to get over the whole "killing" thing, than I would be the judge.

