I consider myself to be a pretty easy person to get along with. And with that rather gregarious personality I also have become a “Go To” person when people need all kinds of help (usually computer related) or need a question answered on many topics. Usually I don’t mind helping out, most of the time it only takes a couple of minutes and a smile and the deed is done.
Every once in a while the favor is a bit bigger, and requires a lot more time, concentration and focus to complete.
Those favors are a little harder to accommodate, although I do tend to say, “sure!” and, if possible, take care of it right away, letting my work or other projects pile up for a bit longer in order to help. Sometimes I can't do it right away, and have to take care of it later because of my own time constraints.
Again, not a real problem.
The problem that I have is that when people become so used to coming to you for help, they sometimes forget that you are, indeed, doing them a favor and their expectations that everything be dropped in order to accommodate them start to become onerous.
These are the people who seem to think that they then have the right to comment on (or even sneer about) how you plan your day in work or play, simply because they want you to schedule their little project FIRST. They pounce on me before I have even had my first cup of coffee in the bleary mornings, when I come in the door at work or at home, they ambush me in the hall or make disparaging comments about the amount of time I seem to spend on Facebook (not as much as they think – it is on in the background when I am on the computer and I pop in for a few minutes several times a day).
Sometime I have to bite my tongue. What business is it of anyone’s how I spend my time…??? it’s MY time. Just because you don’t “get” the attraction doesn’t give you the right to deride me about how I “waste” the day away. Do you follow people around and deride them about how drinking coffee or chatting over the proverbial water cooler or talking with their child on the phone is a waste of time and they should be working on YOUR little freebie project instead?
For heaven’s sake, if I have promised you that I will help you out with something out of the goodness of my heart, why would you want to antagonize me by appearing ungracious?
And leave me alone about Facebook. I like it, and apparently, judging by the number of people who tell me that they like reading my posts, other people do, too.
And if I do a favor for you, a simple “thanks!” goes a long way.
Just Musing,
There are many facebook haters out there. It seems the ones that want to critize us about facebook are the ones that dont get it and the reson they dont get it is they dont know how to use it. The Social Network inept are the same ones that said "Home computors thats just a fad.
ReplyDeleteThat's too bad that they don't 'get it'. You shouldn't have to justify how you spend 'your time'.
ReplyDelete@Chuck... or the ones who still think that the internet is some evil tech-bad guy just waitibg to take you out and wrest control of their lives from them! Actually, I think a lot of them are afraid because they DO NOT know how to properly use the tools that we have available to us... I actually had one board member (during my interview - you know the one) who, when I said, "Who wants to go back to the old days with the Book every week??" actually said they did!! Sheesh.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: Thanks for your support! It was a bit of a rant, but I am just getting tired of people thnking they have the right to be critical. I do get a lot more people tell me that they enjoy my posts, so I guess the HIGH FIVES win! :)