Monday, March 26, 2012

Review: Once Upon A Time "Hat Trick"

"Hat Trick" OUAT episode aired 3/25/12

(Spoilers) There were some very good moments in this episode, chiefly surrounding the Mad Hatter/Jefferson, whose performance in Storybrooke really walked the line of creepy/dangerous/sexy and was absolutely riveting.

Wonderland was just a little weird (love those hedges!), but I wonder about the complete omission of a little girl named Alice, and of course, why the cover up of the Queen of Hearts? Are they planning to continue a Wonderland arc? Why?? Leaving so many loose ends dangling ("Grace" in Storybrooke, why/how did Jefferson know, Regina's dad and who the heck is the Red Queen???), in a story that seemed to be mostly wrapped up was just frustrating.

This episode seemed to go off in many different directions, and was almost completely without heart - much like the actual story of Alice in Wonderland... except that I had some hope when Emma started to believe, tears in her eyes and everything! Oh wait. That was a fake out, too. Hmm.

The whole thing was, in too many ways, a cheat. While I expect the Queen/Regina to be evil and manipulative (and Gold to be manipulative and so playing both sides, well actually, he just plays HIS side), every single movement forward turned out to be a lie or mis-direct without any payoff.

This episode did leave with an important question: Is Emma beginning to believe? I hope so, with a healthy dose of skepticism to keep her grounded and with one foot in each world.

All in all, this episode did not resonate quite as well as some of the others, with three steps forward and four steps back. Some brilliant acting and a few fantastic moments could not completely bring it to the level of the best episodes of the season.

My Ep Rating: 6 out of 10

Just Musing,

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