Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Being a daughter and a mother puts me right smack in the middle of a generational triangle of life: being created and living and then creating life.

It is a uniquely beautiful process, being helped growing up and then, using all the lessons imparted by my own mother and grandmother and those that I learned just by living (mostly that we all we can do is our very best) helping someone else grow into adulthood. The bumps and bruises, the joys, the sleeplessness and worry, the regrets and the pride, the giggles and the anger, the tears of disappointment and the feeling of being overwhelmed and the feeling of overwhelming love, most held softly behind a smile that simply says, “I love you” no matter what we are actually thinking…

This is the legacy I have inherited from my own mother (Hi Mom!) and hope that I have imparted on my own children (Dawn, Adam, Mallory and James, Chris and Michael), and opefully, some part of my lessons will be handed down to my children’s children.

I love you, Mom. Your courage and humor through some crazy times held us all together and taught me with love, we can, and will, survive.

And to my children, there are no words to express the joy I feel at what wonderful adults you have become, and what wistfulness I feel at how quickly time has passed and how hard I hope that you have forgiven me my mistakes, and remember that through it all, I have loved you more than you will ever know. And for those not quite flown, I am confident that you will be okay, that you will figure it all out and will go on to make good lives for yourselves.

And that is all a parent really wants.

Just Musing,

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