Sunday, May 5, 2013

IRON MAN III Movie Review (Minor Spoilers):

I worked very hard not to read any reviews so I wouldn’t know what is going on before seeing this movie and still “heard” rumors, even though I put my hands over my ears and sang the theme song to Cheers in a vain attempt to be completely surprised. 

Well, after seeing this flick, I was STILL surprised… several times!
Iron Man III has so many twists and turns, it is a visual twisty, turny, loopy roller coaster. Even when you can see them coming (which was more often than not), it is still a thrill to watch it unfold, like being able to see the tracks of Viper at Magic Mountain; you know what’s next, but your world still keeps turning upside down.

Visually gorgeous (of course) and exciting; where there aren’t twists and turns, there are chases and explosions enough to keep even the most adrenaline-junkie happy, especially after the first loooong half hour or so of choppy and convoluted back story.  Thankfully, this section ends rather abruptly, almost as if the Real Director showed up with his latte and said, “Move it along kid, Daddy’s home.”

As ever, it is Robert Downey Jr.’s movie from start to finish. Downey masterfully brings the character of Tony Stark to a whole new level, taking the fun of the first Iron Man movie, adding in the angst of the second, less fun Iron Man movie and mashing them up into an even better, deeper and more complex and interesting character that drives the story home. 

Infused with enough humor to make me think that Writer/Director Shane Black is taking note of the best of the best of writer/directors (like Joss Whedon or early Steven Spielberg and George Lucas), the writing is mostly crisp and bright, and the movie generally moves along at a fairly brisk pace, spacing the plot twists far enough apart to keep the whole movie from being too predictable.

Casting notes: Guy Pearce is just creepy. Ben Kingsley was absolutely brilliant, as ever. Dale Dickey was perfectly cast for her tiny role, but it felt like she should have been one more scene… perhaps it was left on the cutting room floor.

A couple of irritants: Happy was rather ill-used, too much of a joke and then practically dropped out of the movie altogether.  Rebecca Hall and William Sadler were totally, ridiculously just boring, no presence as all.  And Tony Stark, what, is he made of steel or something?? There is no way any mortal man – even a brilliant one - would be able to withstand even the tiniest FRACTION of what this movie puts him through outside of that suit. It was more than a little ridiculous, especially in the final climatic scene, even in a super hero movie. And what was with the waaay too long, super talky dénouement, after everything, they are suddenly all alone on the… Dang. I promised no spoilers!

Fun stuff: the kid and skydiving! Watch the credits for the, well, monkey credit!  Of course, stay until the end of the credits for a funny extra scene (obviously directed and written by our Joss Whedon).

The end of the film begs more questions… and I am super excited about what Joss is going to do to continue that story in Avengers II!

My rating: 8.5 out of 10
Just Musing,

1 comment:

  1. There are really exciting action scenes with Iron Man, but this movie goes back to what I liked about the first film. That’s what I needed and that’s what I liked so much. Good review Susan.
