Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Beginning

Isn't this wild??? You can set up this space and say anything you want... just toss it out into the Universe and watch it sparkle with a billion other blogs, all fighting for space and attention, pushing and shouting 'MINE IS BETTER!' 'PICK ME' 'READ ME' 'EAT ME..."

But I digress. The point of setting this blog up is that facebook, for all that I adore it, oftimes doesn't quite give me enough room to say what I want to say. Sometimes it isn't much, just the daily anecdotes and observations from a slightly warped mind. And sometimes I have a story to tell and really don't want to get all mired up in the "who owns the copywrite" controversy over there!

I wondered about a theme, like in the movie Julie & Julia, but can't come up with anything that I want to be stuck writing about for a solid year, so you will just have to take it as it comes out of my mind.

Caveat Emtor and all that...!

So, bear with me as I ramp up, rev up the old writing muscles and get back into the habit of daily writing about stuff other than how many frogs I scooped outta my pool or how badly I need another cuppa joe.

Oh, one thing this will NOT be is another Real Estate blog. Yes, I am a Realtor, but frankly, I am much more than that; I am a fully rounded human being (just look at my picture! LOL) and like to step outside my professional self once in a while and just be meeeeee.


  1. Great job, man tell you to go for it and your off and running. Just so you know your animal stories are funny. It was Erma Bombeck that wrote about her everyday life and look what it did for her. And if you ask who is Erma Bombeck I will have to go take my Geritol:)

  2. Hey Chuck, I used to read Erma every day! LOL! I will have to rewrite some of the animal stories for this blog... and finish the stalking dog and thirsty clumsy dove story I didn't finish on FB a few days ago.

  3. I look forward to reading your "musings". Who knows maybe it will encourage me to start my own! Writing is a very good outlet.
